


I'm a film director, screenwriter, editor and festival organizer based in Hamburg, Germany.

My current work focuses on experimenting with genres and developing different narrative styles in an attempt, within the medium, to approach many facetes of human consciousness and the way we experience the surrounding world.



From developing scripts and directing, over the consulting and assisting in different projects, intense work at the editors table and in postproduction, to the curation of film programs and organizing veunues for the different film festivals -

up to this moment my engagement in the field of film was quite intense and challenging.


I made my first film the moment I laid my hands on a digital photo camera: the long anticipated moment since my childhood, which I spent drawing fast, dynamic sketches and comics, My love for movement, narrative and drama never truly found satisfaction, until I landed on the ground that felt familiar like no other before it: film was in my bones, a perfect form for a current I somehow wanted to record...

Since then I made number of short films, enjoyed experimenting with different form, genres and techniques and developing specific film language that would suit the inner I wanted to express.



Script consulting, light,

acting, production sound, posproduction, editing...


All of it an essential part of a long and complex process of giving a birth to a film. And all of them an opportunity to get deeper and better insight into the very tissue of a medium itself: the projects in which I took part and technical roles I played there, were great experiences for me as a filmmaker and director, helping me to understand even better how the structure of the film works, what one could expect under given circumstances and how to develope the visual and narrative language further.



Curating festival program and dealing with festival organization was something new and challenging, and I dived into it with as much as enthusiasm as cautiousness.


My friend and colleague, Jonatan Petré Brixel, dared me to join him into what he was considering "a stage for true independent filmmakers and their work", creating a film festival, and later an online streaming platform, where he was determined to screen and promote the work of talented and mostly anonymous filmmakers from all over the world. The move that made me go deeper into this field and eventually take part in restoring and organizing similar event in my home country.